

Dr. Pushpa Jha, Professor Waste Management & Recycling; Bio-Resource Technology. Alternate Sources of Energy
Dr. Kamlesh Kumari, Professor Controlled Drug/Fertilizer Release through polymeric biomaterials; Treatment of Industrial Effluents using chitosan and its derivatives
Dr. H. R. Ghatak, Professor & Head Industrial Pollution Control and Cleaner Production; Hydrogen Energy; Energy from Industrial Wastes and Biomass; Biorefineries; Lignin; Paper Technology
Dr. Sandeep M. Ahuja, Professor Industrial pollution Control and Energy Conservation
Dr.  Avinash Thakur, Professor Chemical and Bio-chemical Engineering
Dr.  A.  S. K. Sinha, AsP Paper Technology
Dr. Gulshan Kumar Jawa, AsP Industrial pollution Control and Energy Conservation
Dr. Nikhil Prakash, AsP Process Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning, Polymer Science and Engineering; Bio-polymers; Nano Composites; Reaction Engineering; Neural Networks; Catalysis
Dr. Subita Bhagat, AP Modeling, Simulation and Optimization; Polymer Science and Engineering, Catalysis
Dr. Vinod Kumar Meena, AP Industrial Pollution Control
Dr. Amit Rai, AP       Environmental management